Monday, December 9, 2013

Next Stop- China

Tomorrow we travel. As we prepare for the actual trip, in between practical thoughts and decisions, I keep thinking back to last November.

We decided in September of last year to relinquish our last adopted embryos and choose a different path. Of course, we had no idea what that path should be.

I read so many reports of families who saw a photo of their child and just knew they belonged together. That sounded great! So I looked through hundreds of photos of children waiting for families- all countries, all agencies, all ages, all kinds of special needs. My heart broke over and over for these precious children, but I never found one in particular that felt right. How can you decide which way to go when the whole world is open? I was overwhelmed and terrified. So, since we had no special feelings, all we could do is make a practical list. Here is what we thought:

·         We did want to have children, so we wanted to proceed with something

  •         China has the most straightforward program of all the countries we read about
  •         We wanted a larger agency that would walk us through the process
  •         We thought it would be good to adopt a child who was closer in age to the older cousins- so between 3 and 6 years old
  •         Boys are sometimes more difficult to place and there is a greater need 

Two weeks before Thanksgiving 2012, I received an email from a friend at church. She knew we were thinking of adopting and she forwarded me an email from a friend of hers. This lady was trying to find a family for the best friend of the little boy her family was adopting. So I opened the email to see a photo  and description of a sweet little boy, in China, who was almost 4. He fit exactly what we thought practically would be a good fit for us. Although I still didn't have that feeling, I just did the next thing and asked a large agency that I trusted to pull his file for us to see. And we prayed.

To this day, I have never had that "moment". But here is what I know- God asks us to care for the orphan. We made a life-altering decision without a special revelation. And the doors continued to be open as we walked down this path.  Along the way, I have come to love this little boy I don't yet know in person. I am delighted with his photos- his sweet smile or serious little face.  I dream of attending his games and recitals. I want to teach him and give him everything. My arms almost tingle with the desire to hold him. In only a few days, God willing, I will hold him. My love for him is strong and fierce. What I stepped out to do on faith will soon be sight. And I trust God will give us what we need to care for him just as he has given what we need to get this far.

We leave tomorrow!


  1. I never had that feeling either. It's ok. I still love the heck out of our kiddo. With adoption I thought I'd have grand that's her feeling in that moment and a referal that was destiny but it just isn't me. Sarah was our third referral. No one was sending me signs just the others weren't right and Sarah was.

  2. Every time I hear your story, I get goosebumps! So, so excited for you guys as you travel to bring home your son! For what it's worth, I never had that "feeling" either. Not even when we met M for the first time. But fast forward almost 8 months and I can't possibly imagine life without him! We'll be praying for you guys. Safe travels!
