Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Next Stop, China!

This is our last night at home before our world changes.
I've been a little wistful lately, thinking of all the changes that are coming and how the world we know now is coming to an end.
This evening the news people came to interview Isaac and update his cookie story. Afterwards he  and I sat on the porch and played UNO. It was hot, but it just felt cozy. He dressed for bed, brushed his teeth, I read him a story and we said prayers. This is our routine. And next time we are home it will be different.

It is scary to step out like this. But what if we had let that stop us last time? We could have missed all of this, and that is even scarier.

Our world is about to get brighter. Our hearts can hardly fathom what comes next. Next stop, China!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how we love your family and can't wait to meet your sweet Samuel!! Praying for you all! Love, The Roskins
