Hello all!
First, I want to say a huge THANK YOU to Katie for managing my social media and writing wonderful blog posts while we were gone. She has such an amazing way with words, and I know you were able to feel like you were part of our adventure because of it. Thanks, Katie!!
Now we are home and getting settled. Jet lag is home with us, too. Two kids on not enough sleep is no joke, but overall we're adjusting really well. Samuel is fitting right in, not shy about joining in with us and happy to go along with whatever is happening. He's a cuddle bug. In the morning when he sees me he does a happy dance, exclaims, "Mama!" and runs to give me a hug. A mother couldn't imagine anything better than that! Isaac is a great helper and he is learning to share his space and his toys. It's a big adjustment for him, too, and he is navigating it with more grace than I'd expect of an eight-year-old. My heart is full; we are so blessed.
I haven't taken any pictures this week, but I will soon. Meanwhile, I want to share with you my favorite pictures from our trip.
I know this isn't the usual "best of" vacation photo, but who hasn't been here? Adults enjoying the sights, kids limp with boredom and fatigue. What makes this more fun to me is that this was taken on the FIRST DAY, about 30 minutes after leaving our hotel in the morning! Lol. It was very hot out, and Isaac really was a trooper on this whole trip. |
Our first night together. I brought matching pjs for the boys. They say "Coolest Brother Ever".
It was a fun time goofing around. |
Samuel signing his adoption paperwork with a red-ink handprint. |
At the office, waiting for our turn. Mick and Samuel were looking out the window together and talking. |
This is a favorite for obvious reasons I think. ;-) Look at those faces! That bear was what we gave Samuel when we met him. I think we left it on the airplane home. It's from Target, so if you happen to see one there, please let me know! I've checked the ones around here already. |
Isaac is such a fun kid. This pose was all his idea. |
Brothers being silly. These statues are all around Shaiman Island in Guangzhou.
Those of you who have been to China know what these are. Chicken feet. Our Holt guide in Guangzhou (best ever, by the way!) took our group out a couple of nights for authentic meals. I tried to be adventurous, but I could not eat these. |
Mick did, though. He not only tried it, he polished it off. |
On the way home via Hong Kong, we wanted to givethe boys a magical day so we spent Friday at Disney. Mick, Isaac and I love rides and of course we had no idea what Samuel would think of them. We started slow but he was all into it so we rode bigger and faster. We never found his limit. He LOVES rides! |
The parade we watched by accident. It was actually one of my favorite things of the day! The boys waved wildly at every character. Samuel looks sad in this photo for some reason, but he was having so much fun. |
Isaac actually followed the parade as it passed. He couldn't let it be over. |
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